Leo Warynski, who confirms his ability and that of his vocal ensemble of Metaboles to make melodious the most unlikely music

Monday 28 May 2018
ConcertClassic.com - Michel Grinand
Le Papillon noir

Création du papillon noir de Yann Robin - Monologue dans l'au-delà

"It took nine years for composer Yann Robin and writer Yannick Haenel to collaborate on a lyrical work. The result is even more powerfull since the two accomplices have agreed to describe the passage of life to the death of a transgender human being. Under their influence, this fleeting moment becomes a moment of eternity of fifteen minutes during which the listener attends, in an atmosphere of sound disintegration, the extinction of a living being. The strings of the Multilateral Ensemble rub, tap and creak, brass with turned mouths produce blown sounds, percussion beats like a distraught heart, tinkle like a knell or hammer the highlights of this descent into hell. The Metaboles choir chanting mantras from the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol), panting like a breathless soul, vociferates secret words under the energetic and inspired leadership of Leo Warynski.
 "It's a very energetic music, powerful, disconnected from the notions of tone and atonality and where the chorus mixes lyricism and saturation of the sound so that its granulation merges with that of the orchestra," says the young chef Léo Warynski, who confirms his ability and that of his vocal ensemble Metaboles to make melodious music the most improbable. Leading Le Papillon noir involves working on the beat and rhythm and managing the energies produced to dramatize the action. It's a very virtuosic direction."