Recorded on the NoMadMusic label, Le Jardin féérique is a programme of a cappella works in which nature is in turn a harmonic or phantasmagorical garden, a place for contemplation or reflection, or simply a soundscape.

The a cappella vocal writings of the composers recorded on this disc reveal by their precision and sense of detail that they were also great orchestrators. Les Métaboles and their conductor Léo Warynski paid particular attention to the intelligibility and expressiveness of the voices, but also to the restitution of this orchestral dimension by means of the entire dynamic palette that a choir can offer, from the almost whispered piano to the broadest and most intense forte.

Album labelled France musique


Benjamin Britten , Hymn to Cecilia, Five Flower Songs
Camille Saint-Saëns, Romance du soir, Calme des nuits, Les fleurs des arbres, Des pas dans l’allée 
Maurice Ravel, Trois chansons for a cappella choir
Maurice Ravel / Thierry Machuel, Le Jardin féérique 
Maurice Ravel / Clytus Gottwald , La Vallée des cloches 
Murray Schafer, Miniwanka ou le cycle de l’eau

Les Métaboles (18 singers)
Léo Warynski, direction


Maurice Ravel - Jardin féérique (transcription Thierry Machuel)

Extract of the album Jardin féérique NoMadMusic - March 2020

Maurice Ravel - Jardin féérique (transcription Thierry Machuel)

Extract of the album Jardin féérique NoMadMusic - March 2020

Camille Saint-Saëns - Des Pas dans l'allée

Extract of the album Jardin féérique - NoMadMusic March 2020

Camille Saint-Saëns - Des Pas dans l'allée

Extract of the album Jardin féérique - NoMadMusic March 2020

Dans la presse...

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, les Métaboles, is a star of the highest ranking.

Télérama - Sophie Bourdais
 - Jardin féérique - album

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, les Métaboles, is a star of the highest ranking.

Télérama - Sophie Bourdais - Jardin féérique - album

From Ravel to Saint-Saëns or Britten, the vocal ensemble Les Métaboles, reveals its version of utopia to us.
Are you in need of some air ? A fairytale garden, a bucolic album, this third opus by Les Métaboles, reaches out to you. You can just amble through it or even fantasize about a relatively domesticated nature. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, is moved by the celestial sounds produced by Saint Cecile, the patron saint of musicians, and supernatural creatures inhabit the pretty Ormonde woods. The evenings are long, meditative and bewitching. Drama starts brewing when the birds of paradise return from war, then disappears when Lazy John finds love by cutting Scots’ broom....
In this extraordinary garden there are humans who sing in English as well as in French, with beautiful, expressive voices, able to adapt to different styles of musical writing and (re)creating the most fitting atmosphere on each occasion.
The repertoire mixes well-known pieces, such as Maurice Ravel's "Trois Chansons" (1875-1937), and others that are less well-known, such as transcriptions of "Le Jardin féerique" and "La Vallée des cloches", from the Ravellian cycles "Ma Mère l'Oye" and Miroirs. The nostalgic pieces by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) are to be rediscovered, the "Hymn to St Cecilia" by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) and his "Five Flowers Songs" are particularly appealing, and R. Murray Schafer (born 1933) offers a post scriptum of lavish vocality. 

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, the ensemble Les Métaboles, founded in 2010 and directed by Leo Warynski, is a star of the highest ranking.

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, les Métaboles, is a star of the highest ranking.

Télérama - Sophie Bourdais
 - Jardin féérique - album

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, les Métaboles, is a star of the highest ranking.

Télérama - Sophie Bourdais - Jardin féérique - album

From Ravel to Saint-Saëns or Britten, the vocal ensemble Les Métaboles, reveals its version of utopia to us.
Are you in need of some air ? A fairytale garden, a bucolic album, this third opus by Les Métaboles, reaches out to you. You can just amble through it or even fantasize about a relatively domesticated nature. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, is moved by the celestial sounds produced by Saint Cecile, the patron saint of musicians, and supernatural creatures inhabit the pretty Ormonde woods. The evenings are long, meditative and bewitching. Drama starts brewing when the birds of paradise return from war, then disappears when Lazy John finds love by cutting Scots’ broom....
In this extraordinary garden there are humans who sing in English as well as in French, with beautiful, expressive voices, able to adapt to different styles of musical writing and (re)creating the most fitting atmosphere on each occasion.
The repertoire mixes well-known pieces, such as Maurice Ravel's "Trois Chansons" (1875-1937), and others that are less well-known, such as transcriptions of "Le Jardin féerique" and "La Vallée des cloches", from the Ravellian cycles "Ma Mère l'Oye" and Miroirs. The nostalgic pieces by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) are to be rediscovered, the "Hymn to St Cecilia" by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) and his "Five Flowers Songs" are particularly appealing, and R. Murray Schafer (born 1933) offers a post scriptum of lavish vocality. 

In the galaxy of a cappella choral singing, the ensemble Les Métaboles, founded in 2010 and directed by Leo Warynski, is a star of the highest ranking.

… Un programme odorant et coloré. A écouter sans modération

La Croix - Emmanuelle Guliani
 - Jardin féérique - album

… Un programme odorant et coloré. A écouter sans modération

La Croix - Emmanuelle Guliani - Jardin féérique - album

Le Jardin vocal de Léo Warynski

Dans son dernier enregistrement, le musicien dirige son ensemble les Métaboles dans un programme odorant et coloré. A écouter sans modération

« Le programme d'un disque ou d'un concert devrait toujours être harmonieux, parfumé et accueillant comme le plus beau jardin », confie Léo Warynski. A fortiori quand il est tissé d'une guirlande de pièces évoquant la nature, enivrante, apaisante ou, parfois, inquiétante.
Le dernier enregistrement du jeune chef à la tête de son ensemble les Métaboles s'ouvre par la transcription pour choeur, signée Thierry Machuel, du "jardin féérique" de Maurice Ravel. « Ce fut le point de départ du projet, la première étape du parcours, explique Léo warynski. Ensuite, de manière libre, j'y ai associé des partitions qui me tiennent à cœur comme les Trois chansons, également de Ravel, qui comptent parmi ses plus extraordinaires créations »

Passant d'un sentier ombreux à une allé ensoleillée, d'une clairière à une fontaine, l'auditeur-promeneur croise Benjamin Britten ou Camille Saint-Saëns. Du premier "L'Hymne à sainte Cécile" sur un poème mystérieux et sensuel d'Auden ou les "Flower songs" aux fragrances entêtantes ; du second, des romances aimables et caressantes « je serai heureux de contribuer à mieux faire apprécier Saint-Saëns, qui n'a pas toujours bonne presse. Il a eu le malheur d'être le contemporain de génies visionnaires – Berlioz, puis Debussy - , qui, par comparaison, lui ont valu une réputation d'académisme ».

La tentation est puissante d'associer aux voix des Métaboles le vocabulaire réservé aux essences rare : texture délicate rehaussée de teintes éclatantes, brillant et flexibilité, raffinement, opulence, griserie et fraîcheur... « Nous cherchons à développer la palette la plus variée et la plus expressive. Un travail qui passe par l'appropriation intime du texte de chaque pièce. Sa signification globale mais aussi la « personnalité de chaque mot, de chaque syllabe... » Et d'expliquer comment la sonorité de la finale « or » de « trésor » doit se distinguer de celle du « ort » de la « mort ».
Depuis l'Alsace où il réside durant le confinement, Léo Warynski s'attache à ne pas perdre le contact physique avec la musique. « Je prends mon violoncelle et nous jouons en duo avec mon père, guitariste. Moments tout simples, moments magiques ». Il préserve aussi le contact avec ses amis des Métaboles et pense aux projets à venir : autour de la musique ancienne puis, en janvier 2021, du Requiem du compositeur italien Francesco "Filidei", dont il assurera la création avec l'Ensemble Intercontemporain. Il détaille aussi avec émotion un programme auquel il tient particulièrement : le Britanique Jonathan Harvey y est mis en regard avec des maîtres du passé comme Byrd, Purcell mais Palestrina. « La dernière œuvre de Harvey, avant son décès en 2012, est une magnifique Annonciation, écrite sur un thème issu du "Stabat Mater" de Palestrina. Quel symbole ! »

the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.

ConcertClassic - Alain Cochard
 - Jardin féérique - album

the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.

ConcertClassic - Alain Cochard - Jardin féérique - album

Nearly four years after the release of "Une nuit américaine", an admirable panorama of American a cappella choral production between 1920 and the very beginning of this century, the choir Les Métaboles is once again spoiling us with Jardin féerique, a predominantly French album that reminds us of the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.
The recording is now available and we can only warmly recommend to all lovers of this repertoire to plunge into it; it will delight them!

the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.

ConcertClassic - Alain Cochard
 - Jardin féérique - album

the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.

ConcertClassic - Alain Cochard - Jardin féérique - album

Nearly four years after the release of "Une nuit américaine", an admirable panorama of American a cappella choral production between 1920 and the very beginning of this century, the choir Les Métaboles is once again spoiling us with Jardin féerique, a predominantly French album that reminds us of the prominent position that the group founded and directed by Léo Warynski occupies in the choral landscape.
The recording is now available and we can only warmly recommend to all lovers of this repertoire to plunge into it; it will delight them!

A delicious choral and floral journey

Sélection Figaro - Thierry Hillériteau
 - Jardin féérique - album

A delicious choral and floral journey

Sélection Figaro - Thierry Hillériteau - Jardin féérique - album

The quality of the sound balance and diction of the eighteen singers of the Métaboles can only be praised here. Both in the exercise of transcription (Jardin féérique, adapted from "Ma mère L'oye" by Thierry Machuel) and the more contemporary repertoire ("Miniwanka" by Schafer). A delicious choral and floral journey.

A delicious choral and floral journey

Sélection Figaro - Thierry Hillériteau
 - Jardin féérique - album

A delicious choral and floral journey

Sélection Figaro - Thierry Hillériteau - Jardin féérique - album

The quality of the sound balance and diction of the eighteen singers of the Métaboles can only be praised here. Both in the exercise of transcription (Jardin féérique, adapted from "Ma mère L'oye" by Thierry Machuel) and the more contemporary repertoire ("Miniwanka" by Schafer). A delicious choral and floral journey.

5 diapasons

Diapason - Benoit Fauchet
 - Jardin féérique - album

5 diapasons

Diapason - Benoit Fauchet - Jardin féérique - album

Ce jardin féérique confirme que l'amateur de choeur a cappella peut désormais compter sur l'ensemble de Léo Warynski. Le jeune chef a la main assez verte pour cultiver un riche territoire et filer la métaphore naturaliste.

... an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

5 étoiles Classica - Jacques Bonnaure
 - Jardin féérique - album

... an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

5 étoiles Classica - Jacques Bonnaure - Jardin féérique - album

The ensemble sound of Les Métaboles is interesting, both solid and refined, very precise and clear, with soloists of the highest level. It is obvious that, under the direction of Leo Warynski, this ensemble has forged an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

... an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

5 étoiles Classica - Jacques Bonnaure
 - Jardin féérique - album

... an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

5 étoiles Classica - Jacques Bonnaure - Jardin féérique - album

The ensemble sound of Les Métaboles is interesting, both solid and refined, very precise and clear, with soloists of the highest level. It is obvious that, under the direction of Leo Warynski, this ensemble has forged an original repertoire and, above all, a strong musical identity.

En vente sur le site...

Jardin féérique

Jardin féérique
Les Métaboles
Léo Warynski, direction
CD recording in february 2019 at Studio de l'Orchestre national d'Ile-de-France

Recording producer : Louis Castelain



Friday, december 4 2020 - 8:30 pmCancelled - Jardin féériqueSalle des catherinettes - Colmar

Le jardin féérique is an a cappella program - Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Britten and Schafer - in which nature is alternately harmonic or fantastic garden, place of contemplation or reflection, or simply a soundscape.

Les Métaboles
Léo Warynski, musical direction


Friday, May 29 2020Cancelled - Jardin féériqueColmar

After Mysterious Nativity "A very beautiful disc to recommend to our listeners" (France Musique) and Une nuit americaine "One of the best French choirs", (Resmusica) the new Metaboles Jardin féérique disc is out in March. The release concert will take place on March 28 in Notre-Dame-du-Liban. The Fairy Garden is an a cappella program - Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Britten and Schafer - in which nature is alternately harmonic or fantastic garden, place of contemplation or reflection, or simply a soundscape.

Léo Warynski, musical direction


Saturday, March 28, 2020 - 20:30 pmCancelled - Le Jardin féerique - CD release concertNotre-Dame-du-Liban - Paris

Léo Warynski and the Métaboles take you to their magical garden !

After Mysterious Nativity "A very beautiful disc to recommend to our listeners" (France Musique)
and Une nuit americaine "One of the best French choirs", (Resmusica)
the new disc Jardin féérique disc is out in March.

The release party will take place on March 28 at the Cathedrale Notre-Dame du Liban. le Jardin féérique is an a cappella program - Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Britten and Schafer - in which nature is alternately harmonic or fantastic garden, place of contemplation or reflection, or simply a soundscape.
The a cappella vocal writing of the composers recorded on this disc reveals, by their precision and their attention to detail, that they were also great orchestrators.
The Métaboles and their conductor, Léo Warynski, paid particular attention to the intelligibility and expressiveness of the voices, but also to the restitution of this orchestral dimension by means of all the dynamic palette that a choir can offer: the almost whispered piano at the strongest the widest and most intense.

Les métaboles
Leo Warynski, musical direction

Reservation here



Tuesday August 14th 2018 - 8:30 pmJardin féériqueSemaines musicales de Quimper - Cathédrale St-Corentin, Quimper

This program is conceived like a walk in nature, forests, and gardens. The works sometimes evoke an enchanted forest (La Ronde or Le Jardin Féerique by Ravel), then animals (le Chant des Oiseaux by Janequin), or flowers (Flower Songs by Britten). The music of Murray Schafer (A Garden of Bells, The Spirit Garden) and Diana Soh (Nature of Things, a commission for Les Métaboles), develops the idea of an soundscape: a fascinating combination of vocal movements, percussions, onomatopoeia, evocations of rituals that reveal the metaphysical dimension of the relationship between man and nature.

Les Métaboles (16 to 24 singers)
Léo Warynski, musical direction



Saturday June 17th 2017 Jardin féériqueFestival des Voûtes célestes - Abbaye de Nieul-sur-l'Autise (Vendée)

This program is conceived like a walk in nature, forests, and gardens. The works sometimes evoke an enchanted forest (La Ronde or Le Jardin Féerique by Ravel), then animals (le Chant des Oiseaux by Janequin), or flowers (Flower Songs by Britten).

The music of Murray Schafer (A Garden of Bells, The Spirit Garden) and Diana Soh (Nature of Things, a commission for Les Métaboles), develops the idea of a soundscape: a fascinating combination of vocal movements, percussions, onomatopoeia, evocations of rituals that reveal the metaphysical dimension of the relationship between man and nature.

Les Métaboles (16 to 24 singers)
Léo Warynski, musical direction