Vocal practice workshops

The ensemble Les Métaboles offers workshops to raise awareness of vocal practice and the vocal repertoire for a varied audience: parents/children, young people, amateurs,...These workshops are mainly offered as part of a program, in addition of the concert.

Example of workshops

- Parent/child workshop: introduction to vocal practice during a 1.5 hour session, led by a choirmaster

- Atelier des 200 - Théâtre de Sénart: A weekend workshop for 200 amateurs over 15 years old in the company of two directors, a choreographer and a choirmaster to experiment with different artistic expressions and live an experience strong social.

- Vocal practice workshops for the public before concerts: the objective of this workshop is to prepare a canon and part of a work to sing with the Métaboles during the concert where amateurs are spectators and actors.



Saturday, august 27 2022Workshop "À vous de jouer" - Festival de sabléSablé-sur-Sarthe


Everyone sing along with Léo Warynski and Louis Castelain!



Sunday, October 31 2021La Chine à portée de voixMusée Guimet - Paris

La Chine à portée de voix is an event weekend dedicated to the discovery of Chinese culture: for two days, visitors to the MNAAG will be able to discover or rediscover the spaces of the museum to the sound of the vocal ensemble Les Métaboles.

Saturday, October 30 2021La Chine à portée de voixMusée Guimet - Paris

La Chine à portée de voix is an event weekend dedicated to the discovery of Chinese culture : for two days, visitors to the MNAAG will be able to discover or rediscover the spaces of the museum to the sound of the vocal ensemble Les Métaboles.



June 8 & 9, 2019Atelier des 200Théâtre de Sénart

After the success of the first edition, here is finally at the Theater, the second opus of the Atelier des 200.
For this edition, four renowned artists: directors Caroline Binder and Frédéric Sonntag, choreographer Pierre Rigal and singers from Ensemble Les Métaboles will host the various workshops offered during the two days. This one-of-a-kind event creates an ideal energy for trying out the game, experiencing collective expression and experiencing an incredible artistic and human adventure. From 15 years old.