Who is a musician ?

The "world after" is written here and now. It is also reflected in the history of musical writing during this evening conceived with the vocal ensemble Les Métaboles. Reflecting on the Ars Nova of the thirteenth century, Philippe Leroux takes up the pressing and for once, very current question of the poet Boèce: Quid sit musicus? “Who is a musician? The one who plays, the one who does, the one who understands?" Today, the one who writes and interprets, interrupts us and delights us.

Coproduction : Ircam/Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou


Sivan Eldar Heave

Roque Rivas - Mutations of Matter

Oren Boneh - Her Majesty the Fool

Philippe Leroux - Quid Sit Musicus

Les Métaboles
Léo Warynski, direction




Monday, May 31, 2021Quid sit MusicusFestival ManiFeste - Centre Pompidou, Paris

Festival ManiFeste-2021de l'IRCAM


Fanny Vicens, accordion
Remi Jousselme, guitar
Frédéric Baldassare, cello
Guilhem Terrail, countertenor

Les Métaboles
Anne-Claire Baconnais, soprano ; Aurélie Bouglé, mezzo ; Laura Muller, alto ; Steve Zheng, ténor ; Vincent Bouchot, baryton ; René Ramos-Premier, basse

Léo Warynski ,direction

Oren Boneh, Augustin Muller, Gilbert Nouno, Roque Rivas informatic musical realisation musicale Ircam

Information and reservation here